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ISSN:1839-4299 (PRINT)

ISSN  2203-0093 (Online)

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the Journal of Accounting, Finance and Economics is to support and publish scholarly work that contributes to the body of knowledge. It publishes both theoretical and empirical scholarly papers and case studies relating to broad field of Islamic Business subjects. Another aim is to create modern literature relating to above fields of research.

This journal is one of the main sponsors of the international refereed International Islamic Banking, Finance and Investment Conference organised every year in Malaysia by World Business Institute, Australia and World Business Institute London Limited. It also sponsors international refereed conferences organised by WBI in China, Malaysia, Bangkok, Dubai, Dhaka, London, Canada, Paris and USA.

This journal is published by the World Business Institute, Australia

Journal of Islamic Finance and Business Research 

Volume 3 Number 1 March 2015


Sl No. Papers Author/Authors

Shariah Governance Disclosure Index and Institutional Ownership of Islamic Financial Institutions in   Malaysia:

Nathasa Mazna Ramli, Amilia Syuhada Abdul Majid, Nurul Aini Muhamed and Nor Asiah Yaakub


Productivity anMd. Qamruzzaman ACMAd Performance Evaluation of SME Sector in Bangladesh: Evidence from the Historical Data:

Md. Qamruzzaman ACMA


Determinant Analysis Financing to Deposit Ratio Sharia Commercial Bank in Indonesia (Case Study Period 2010-2012):

Atika Irawan and Ir. Achmad Herlanto Anggono


A Comparative Analysis of the Rate of Interest on Deposit between Banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions in Bangladesh:

Mohammad Yunus, Mohammad Rokibul Kabir and Mohammad Afjalur Rahman


Bank Profitability and Bank-Specific Variables in Malaysia: A Panel Cointegration and Error Correction  Model:

Noraina Mazuin Sapuan and Mohammad Rahmdzey Roly